Too little to make a difference

Recently I saw some benchmarks[1] about converting int to String and of course, I got curious. This post shows that the results are legit, but have to be taken with a grain of salt.

While the benchmarking started out quite normally, it turned into an investigation of accuracy and meaning. What goes into the result, does the difference make sense, and where does all that noise come from? How much should we care?

At the end, you have learned that time is relative, memory expensive, and a small difference not really worth the effort. Or in English: Don’t believe any random benchmark you just found on the Internet!


The benchmark on Twitter about converting int to String got me curious. Is this really true? Is the result really that conclusive? Because I have been running performance tests and benchmark for years now, I developed the following golden rule.

"Never believe any benchmark result you have not falsified yourself."

The benchmark results say that String.valueOf(int) is faster than Integer.toString(int). When using "" + i to convert an int, we are fastest. In addition, one also tried a StringBuilder-based conversion.

The Result to be Validated

"" + i                                      27.870 ns/op
String.valueOf(i)                           28.371 ns/op
Integer.toString(i)                         29.721 ns/op
new StringBuilder().append(i).toString()    43.424 ns/op

Can we reproduce this result? Does the result make sense when looking under the hood, such as comparing the implementations?

Benchmark Code

Here is our first version of the benchmark. It uses the Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH 1.36) and JDK 11.0.18.

We set up a small array of ints first, converting them later to String, and finally return the last one to the caller to avoid fancy optimizations by the JVM. We use the sizes 1, 10, and 100 to vary the measurements.

The Benchmark Code
@Warmup(iterations = 2, time = 2, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 2, time = 2, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class IntegerToString
    int[] array = null;

    @Param({"1", "10", "100"})
    int size;

    public void setup()
        array = new int[size];
        var r = new Random(18);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            // ensure a fixed length
            array[i] = r.nextInt(1_000_000) + 1_000_000;

    public int noop()
        // I am just here to measure the nothing
        return size;

    public String integerToString()
        var result = "";
        for (int i : array)
            result = Integer.toString(i);

        return result;

    public String stringValueOf()
        var result = "";
        for (int i : array)
            result = String.valueOf(i);

        return result;

    public String stringConcat()
        var result = "";
        for (int i : array)
            result = "" + i;

        return result;

    public String stringBuilder()
        var result = "";
        for (int i : array)
            result = new StringBuilder().append(i).toString();

        return result;

The First Result

Ok, here is the first set of results measured on a Digital Ocean CPU-optimized Intel machine. Call it a brute-force test. Please pay attention to the unit of measure. It is nanosecond per test method execution. Hence the decimal digits are kinda nonsense, because these are picoseconds. The noop results are not ordered because they rather validate the benchmark setup than the test.

First Result (Ordered by Fastest)
Benchmark                              (size)  Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
IntegerToString.noop                        1  avgt    3     2.355 ±   0.112  ns/op
IntegerToString.noop                       10  avgt    3     2.337 ±   0.103  ns/op
IntegerToString.noop                      100  avgt    3     2.357 ±   0.082  ns/op

IntegerToString.integerToString             1  avgt    3    19.108 ±   2.095  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringConcat                1  avgt    3    20.405 ±   1.149  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringValueOf               1  avgt    3    20.456 ±   2.520  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringBuilder               1  avgt    3    24.592 ±   1.525  ns/op

IntegerToString.integerToString            10  avgt    3   163.449 ±   2.071  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringValueOf              10  avgt    3   163.725 ±  23.491  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringConcat               10  avgt    3   175.777 ±  18.922  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringBuilder              10  avgt    3   216.393 ±   9.920  ns/op

IntegerToString.stringValueOf             100  avgt    3  1659.692 ± 156.023  ns/op
IntegerToString.integerToString           100  avgt    3  1679.467 ±  88.040  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringConcat              100  avgt    3  1707.656 ±  46.347  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringBuilder             100  avgt    3  2045.056 ± 179.956  ns/op

This is not the result we have seen for the other benchmark on the internet. Besides that, the data size change also changes the result order. Only StringBuilder is always the slowest. Let’s try again.

Second Result (Ordered by Fastest)
Benchmark                              (size)  Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
IntegerToString.noop                        1  avgt    3     2.338 ±   0.135  ns/op
IntegerToString.noop                       10  avgt    3     2.351 ±   0.056  ns/op
IntegerToString.noop                      100  avgt    3     2.348 ±   0.245  ns/op

IntegerToString.stringValueOf               1  avgt    3    18.945 ±   1.693  ns/op
IntegerToString.integerToString             1  avgt    3    19.056 ±   2.695  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringConcat                1  avgt    3    20.332 ±   2.722  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringBuilder               1  avgt    3    24.336 ±   0.760  ns/op

IntegerToString.integerToString            10  avgt    3   162.985 ±   4.381  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringValueOf              10  avgt    3   163.706 ±  18.393  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringConcat               10  avgt    3   190.088 ±   4.595  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringBuilder              10  avgt    3   210.622 ±   4.033  ns/op

IntegerToString.integerToString           100  avgt    3  1653.628 ± 291.396  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringValueOf             100  avgt    3  1669.797 ± 141.551  ns/o
IntegerToString.stringConcat              100  avgt    3  1880.126 ± 217.447  ns/op
IntegerToString.stringBuilder             100  avgt    3  2029.199 ± 104.099  ns/op

We can see that our noop-probe is almost the same runtime again (and of course the size of the data does not influence the outcome), but beyond that, things change all the time. Yes, StringBuilder is still bad, but the rest does not really position itself clearly. It would be enough to get always the same order and ignore the absolute numbers, but this is not true either.

Let’s turn that into a different set of numbers. In the following table, the deviation is the difference to the average in percent. This assumes, that the average might be the correct value. This is mathematically not correct, but it something easy to grasp.

Table 1. Results and Differences Viewed Differently
Test Size #1 #2 Diff Avg Dev #1 Dev #2

























































































































We can see that the difference between two measurements can be be pretty large, but in many cases, it is pretty small. There is not trend how much our repeated measurement is off.

By the way, and I am a little ahead of myself, writing such a loop test is good and bad at the same time. Good because it eliminates the overhead of calling the test method and bad, because it introduces potential loop optimizations into the mix as well as might expose CPU-cache effects.

Narrow the Tests

Let’s throw away the StringBuilder test, because it is clearly the slowest and might not contribute to our goal at the moment. It is also the ugliest solution by far.

We are simplifying the tests by removing the loop. The random setup of our int avoids early optimization and the cast from a System.time-long is always creating an integer with the same length.

By the way, what is the goal? Our goal is to have a reliably repeatable test that churns out the same result over and over again.

Loop Removed
public class IntegerToStringNoLoop
    int number;

    public void setup()
        // Constant length int with unknown value to the compiler
        // to avoid early optimization.
        number = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();

    public int noop()
        return number;

    public String integerToString()
        return Integer.toString(number);

    public String stringValueOf()
        return String.valueOf(number);

    public String stringConcat()
        return  "" + number;
Run 1 of Loopless Conversion
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.170 ± 0.066  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  17.392 ± 2.535  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  18.427 ± 2.642  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  18.810 ± 0.786  ns/op

Let’s validate with another run to see if we get the same results.

Run 2 of Loopless Conversion
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.172 ± 0.090  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  17.322 ± 1.534  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  18.407 ± 1.961  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  18.523 ± 0.766  ns/op

Great! That is consistent. There are smaller changes in the numbers but concat is the winner and String.valueOf is next. But the distance between the last two is varying.

The general numbers differ from the test we saw on Twitter, but the order is the same. Not bad. We also seem to have fancier hardware, because we are 10 ns faster per call.

But we shall not stop here because we have not yet explored other aspects of benchmarking. Still, the last two numbers are varying, maybe we can find out why.


Let’s see how costly our benchmark is at the moment. Let’s use -perf gc to check on the memory churn. At the moment, these tests run with -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch.

GC Profiling (G1)
Benchmark                                                  Mode  Cnt     Score     Error   Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop                                 avgt    3     2.177 ±   0.087   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop:·gc.alloc.rate                  avgt    3    ≈ 10⁻⁴            MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop:·gc.alloc.rate.norm             avgt    3    ≈ 10⁻⁷              B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop:·gc.count                       avgt    3       ≈ 0            counts

IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat                         avgt    3    17.235 ±   0.184   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.alloc.rate          avgt    3  3098.143 ±  32.589  MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     avgt    3    56.000 ±   0.001    B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.count               avgt    3    46.000            counts
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.time                avgt    3    89.000                ms

IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf                        avgt    3    18.426 ±   1.351   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.alloc.rate         avgt    3  2898.027 ± 210.789  MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt    3    56.000 ±   0.001    B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.count              avgt    3    43.000            counts
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.time               avgt    3    89.000                ms

IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString                      avgt    3    18.501 ±   2.240   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.alloc.rate       avgt    3  2886.161 ± 354.247  MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  avgt    3    56.000 ±   0.001    B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.count            avgt    3    43.000            counts
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.time             avgt    3   111.000                ms

There is no memory-allocation going on for our noop, but there is a lot of memory churn for the other three. We request up to 3 GB per second!!! We can also see that that memory allocation per operation is identical for all three. Obviously, the faster one (concat) runs more often and hence the overall memory churn is higher per second.

The G1 is a concurrent GC and works in the background. When we have 1 GB of memory and we consume 3 GB per second, GC has to work a lot to get that provided. We also will not really benefit from background activities to keep pauses short. We just eat through the memory quickly, hence G1 does not help us here at all.

So let’s go old-school and use the Serial GC which is not running in the background. It only cleans when it cannot satisfy the next allocation request. There is no proactive work going on. Use -XX:+UseSerialGC on the command line to activate it.

GC Profiling (SerialGC)
Benchmark                                                  Mode  Cnt     Score     Error   Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop                                 avgt    3     2.166 ±   0.054   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop:·gc.alloc.rate                  avgt    3    ≈ 10⁻⁴            MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop:·gc.alloc.rate.norm             avgt    3    ≈ 10⁻⁷              B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop:·gc.count                       avgt    3       ≈ 0            counts

IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat                         avgt    3    17.781 ±   1.647   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.alloc.rate          avgt    3  3003.026 ± 275.419  MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     avgt    3    56.000 ±   0.001    B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.count               avgt    3    99.000            counts
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat:·gc.time                avgt    3    15.000                ms

IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString                      avgt    3    18.012 ±   1.468   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.alloc.rate       avgt    3  2964.358 ± 242.411  MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  avgt    3    56.000 ±   0.001    B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.count            avgt    3    97.000            counts
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString:·gc.time             avgt    3    14.000                ms

IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf                        avgt    3    18.433 ±   2.064   ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.alloc.rate         avgt    3  2896.679 ± 322.732  MB/sec
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt    3    56.000 ±   0.001    B/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.count              avgt    3    95.000            counts
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf:·gc.time               avgt    3    15.000                ms

So, the allocation rate did not change but we spent less time in GC but gc-ed more often. That is great, but can we do better?

Look Ma, no GC!

Let’s try to take the garbage collection out of the picture. We bring in the non-freeing EpsilonGC[2]. Because we don’t free memory, we have to supply it with a lot. In this case, we give the JVM 60 GB to work with.

Our Command Line Options
-Xms60g -Xmx60g -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseEpsilonGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch

The option -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch is important, otherwise the OS cheats and does not really hand the memory to the program when it asks for it in the beginning, rather when it wants to use it. To fix that, we use the memory during startup already by writing to it. This will make us own the memory for sure and give us most likely a linear memory mapping (no fragmentation). But it takes quite some time to do that. You can find an example without pretouching at the end of the article.

Results using EpsilonGC
# Run 1
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    2   2.065          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    2  20.386          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    2  20.409          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    2  20.591          ns/op

# Run 2
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    2   2.083          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    2  20.166          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    2  20.554          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    2  20.561          ns/op

# Run 3
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    2   2.073          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    2  20.390          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    2  20.486          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    2  20.673          ns/op

As we can see, the order changes again and the measurements are still fluctuating. Is this good enough? You might have expected better repeatability, don’t you? Let’s look at the numbers in comparison. The deviation columns define how much the value of the run deviates from the average across all runs.

Table 2. Results and Differences
Test #1 #2 #3 Avg Dev Dev Dev

































It is actually not that bad…​ at all! Sure, String concatenation has some outliers, but they are well below 2%. That is nothing. So, this is actually a good benchmark result even though, we expected more. Done!

Don’t look at the pure numbers. Always put them in perspective to each other. The numbers might look very much different, but math tells us otherwise. Less than 2% deviation between runs is actually quite good.
Off topic - When you run load and performance tests for web sites and web services, a 10% variations between runs is good and perfectly normal.

Time is Everything

Well, of course, we are not done yet, because there is more thing we have to understand - time measurement itself. One has to ask now, how does a computer actually measure time? And yes, this is an excellent and important question.

On Linux, and likely on other OSs as well, there are different sources for time. Some are relative and some are absolute. If you want to read more about it, here is a document from Red Hat published on It explains the possible time sources PIT, RTC, APIC, HPET, and Time Stamp Counters (TSC). There are additional sources such as xen and kvm-clock, depending on where your machine is located (bare-metal vs. virtualized vs. containered).

I don’t want to discuss these sources here. Please just accept the fact, that TSC is often the most accurate, but might not be available on virtualized hardware. All measurements above have been taken with kvm-clock.

If you want to know what sources your setup supports, look into /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource and check the list. On the machines I used, the data looks like that:

~# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource
kvm-clock tsc hpet acpi_pm

You can switch to another source by setting it in /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource. You can also read the active one from there.

~# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
~# echo 'tsc' > /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
~# cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource

Let’s run our benchmarks again and check the timings with tsc as clocksource. We still keep the GC out and run Epsilon GC.

Runs with TSC (Ordered by Time)
# Run 2
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    2   2.083          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    2  20.590          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    2  20.620          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    2  20.690          ns/op

# Run 3
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    2   2.089          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    2  20.504          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    2  20.799          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    2  20.865          ns/op

# Run 4
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    2   2.084          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    2  20.440          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    2  20.669          ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    2  20.740          ns/op

The order is almost the same, great. Even though the difference is similar to our kvm-clock run. Our calculated deviation is below 0.6% now. It was 1.4% for the kvm-clock. I discard the first result often, because it is usually way off (I might not have stated that before).

Table 3. Results and Differences with TSC
Test #1 #2 #3 Avg Dev Dev Dev

































This is Humbug

Now it is about time to tell you, that this is all humbug at the end of the day, because you cannot really measure nanoseconds with such accuracy. Just check what Aleksey Shipilёv - Nanotrusting the Nanotime once wrote. The resolution of nanotime is 15-30 ns at best. Because you have to read the timer and when you read it, you need time for reading it. A kind of Heisenberg problem[3].

To compensate for that, the benchmark framework measures not a single execution but a lot of executions and a total time for that. It later divides the call count by the total time. Only this gives us these small runtimes below what can be actually measured reliably. This also explains why we are talking about something hard to measure here. 0.3 ns difference? Well, you cannot get that right at all.

A Hypothetical Example

If a method call takes 20 ns, we can execute our method 50 million times per second. Let’s assume, we have a GC cycle to run, which takes 15 ms, we can now only execute the method 49,250,000 times. But because we think we had the full second for us, we calculate now a runtime of 20.3 ns. Voilà, our measurement difference.

But didn’t we eliminate the GC from all that and now I just used it as an example for the change in timing? Yes, because we still need memory at the end even though we don’t free it, this example is as legit as all others. Besides, you cannot remove the GC from most of the benchmarks easily.

To avoid making our post even larger, just accept, that memory allocation does not have constant runtime either. Each ask for memory might have a slight different cost due to location of the memory, OS management overhead, the influence of caches, and a few more things. That is a topic for another day, I guess.

All is Relative

Just one last thing before we dive into the code behind our methods. If you use another machine, you have to start over again. See this example. I just started another Digital Ocean instance, same image, same config, same datacenter. I just started it a few hours later. I also destroyed my first instance before that.

Different Machine (TSC Clocksource)
# Run 2
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.070 ± 0.128  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  21.038 ± 2.320  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  21.323 ± 0.749  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  21.410 ± 2.309  ns/op

# Run 3
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score    Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.070 ±  0.131  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  20.308 ±  2.239  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  20.527 ±  1.004  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  23.116 ± 35.255  ns/op

# Run 4
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score    Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.068 ±  0.056  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  20.250 ±  0.078  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  20.447 ±  1.250  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  20.480 ±  1.616  ns/op

As you can see, we landed likely someplace else with our machine and no longer enjoy reliable measurements as we have seen before. It starts to jump around despite no GC and TSC as time source.

There is almost no way to measure timing at this granularity correctly. There is a lot of noise all the time and you have to deal with it. Don’t declare one thing prematurely faster than another.

One might say, I used a cloud-machine and hence things are bad. Ok, I get it, let’s try something more fixed. I have a 4+4 Core Intel-7700K 32 GB machine at home. It runs Linux and I disabled the turbo-boost for some more predictability. Sadly, I cannot run Epsilon GC here, because I got only 32 GB. TSC as clocksource, of course.

Desktop with Intel-7700K
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score    Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   1.913 ±  0.125  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  18.149 ±  3.247  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  19.209 ±  0.870  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  19.417 ±  4.192  ns/op

Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score    Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.111 ±  1.342  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  18.634 ±  3.235  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  19.221 ±  1.743  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  19.924 ± 10.257  ns/op

Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score    Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   1.934 ±  0.258  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  18.959 ±  1.769  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  19.204 ±  3.873  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  19.927 ±  7.971  ns/op

As you can see, the order is almost fix but the differences are not. Once again, we are measuring on a level where smaller side effects can dramatically change the result.

Have a real world problem you can measure, where we spend more than 20 ns on. You will also quickly realize, that your choice of the integer conversion does not make a difference. Instead you might find out that writing your own very specialist conversion helps even more…​ or not :)

Behind the Scenes

Ok, we measured a lot and found a certain order, but the differences are small. So, let’s get to the code behind these calls. JitWatch[4] is our friend.


The following code block lists the Java code first and afterwards the bytecode.

public String integerToString(int i)
    return Integer.toString(i);
// 0: iload_1
// 1: invokestatic  #2 // Method java/lang/Integer.toString:(I)Ljava/lang/String;
// 4: areturn

Ok, Integer.toString is not a surprise, we call the method. Period.

public String stringValueOf(int i)
    return String.valueOf(i);
// 0: iload_1
// 1: invokestatic  #3 // Method java/lang/String.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/String;
// 4: areturn

Ok, String.valueOf is also not a surprise, we call the method. Period.

public String stringConcat(int i)
    return "" + i;
// 0: iload_1
// 1: invokedynamic #4, 0// InvokeDynamic #0:makeConcatWithConstants:(I)Ljava/lang/String;
// 6: areturn

Our strange code is a surprise, because it is not building a String via StringBuilder, instead we call something very specialized. These methods exist since Java 9 and are a far more efficient way of putting strings together. And yes, this is the reason why some of the most popular performance advises, please use StringBuilder instead of +, is mostly not longer valid.

Here is the code behind it: StringConcatFactory. It is highly complex code. But at the end, this might also just call Integer.toString(int) for the conversion.

I found a write up at Baeldung - Java Invoke Dynamic that explains the magic behind InvokeDynamic.


Ok, let’s move on to the remaining methods. Let’s check the JDK and see how String.valueOf(int) is implemented.

public static String valueOf(int i) {
    return Integer.toString(i);

Surprise! It is just sending everyone to Integer.toString(int).


So, because we use this and also get send here, let’s check the actual implementation in JDK 11.

public static String toString(int i) {
    int size = stringSize(i);
        byte[] buf = new byte[size];
        getChars(i, size, buf);
        return new String(buf, LATIN1);
    } else {
        byte[] buf = new byte[size * 2];
        StringUTF16.getChars(i, size, buf);
        return new String(buf, UTF16);

You see that the code is pretty long and makes a difference between compact Strings and full Strings. This is a Java 11 feature to improve the memory consumption by storing most Strings as single-byte array because they are plain ASCII.

But the interesting part is @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate. This indicates, that the JDK might bring a native implementation to the table. But it does not mean, that there is a native implementation available all the time.

When we use the options -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintIntrinsics when starting the test, we will see a list of intrinsics actually being used. For JDK 11 on x84-64, there is no such intrinsic for Integer.toString(int) coming up, so we seem to use the Java code here.

To the JVM experts: Please help me out here, because I have seen an intrinsic being registered in the code, but still it does not seem to be used.

One Last Thing - Newer JDKs

Just for completeness, here are the JDK 17 and 20-EA results.

# JDK 17
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   0.516 ± 0.029  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  17.317 ± 0.777  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  17.743 ± 0.436  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  17.773 ± 1.358  ns/op

# JDK 20-EA+34
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   0.520 ± 0.051  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  15.997 ± 0.394  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  16.374 ± 1.235  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  16.420 ± 2.406  ns/op

All slightly different, but the JDK 17 results match my expectations more.

By the way, calling a method that just returns a value is likely not faster than before. I suspect that either we have inlined the code by accident or something else changed. All to be proven, so no final verdict here.

Don’t believe your results blindly. Measure several times and if the results don’t match your expectations, vary the angle of attack, review the code more closely, and ask an expert.

One More Last Thing - Pretouch

If you run the benchmarks without AlwaysPreTouch, you will get the results below. You can clearly see the extra overhead when getting memory late from the OS, instead of upfront and at once.

No Early Memory Allocation with AlwaysPreTouch
Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
IntegerToStringNoLoop.noop             avgt    3   2.069 ± 0.007  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringValueOf    avgt    3  47.195 ± 2.008  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.stringConcat     avgt    3  47.259 ± 1.355  ns/op
IntegerToStringNoLoop.integerToString  avgt    3  47.677 ± 4.098  ns/op

The runtimes are more than double. It is important to note that this only applies to our Epsilon GC runs because Epsilon asks for fresh memory all the time. Our regular GCs have requested all the memory within the first seconds and will not expose that overhead when measuring normally.

The Final Last Thing

And because benchmarking never ends, I just tried to benchmark by throughput and measured a lot of times (100 times for 100 ms). The larger the number, the faster. These are not execution times but number of executions per one millisecond. Three test rounds with 1 GB memory and SerialGC.

Throughout Benchmark (Larger Score is Better)
Benchmark                                 Mode  Cnt    Score      Error   Units
# Avg 452,889 Max Dev 0.33%
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.noop             thrpt  100  454,396 ± 2007.679  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.noop             thrpt  100  451,395 ± 2545.805  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.noop             thrpt  100  452,876 ± 2470.990  ops/ms

# Avg 38,269 Max Dev 0.17%
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringBuilder    thrpt  100   38,214 ±  206.816  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringBuilder    thrpt  100   38,334 ±  178.169  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringBuilder    thrpt  100   38,258 ±  200.615  ops/ms

# Avg 44,291 Max Dev 0.30%
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringValueOf    thrpt  100   44,206 ±  172.121  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringValueOf    thrpt  100   44,242 ±  247.796  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringValueOf    thrpt  100   44,424 ±  445.330  ops/ms

# Avg 44,472 Max Dev 1.03%
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.integerToString  thrpt  100   44,018 ±  340.036  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.integerToString  thrpt  100   44,578 ±  219.118  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.integerToString  thrpt  100   44,822 ±  345.935  ops/ms

# Avg 46,675 Max Dev 0.85%
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringConcat     thrpt  100   46,467 ±  261.002  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringConcat     thrpt  100   46,481 ±  220.266  ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringConcat     thrpt  100   47,078 ±  245.964  ops/ms

As you can see, the maximum deviation from the average is about 1%. Interestingly, not all tests have the same behavior in terms of deviation.

Here is the config for the measurements. I know, it is a nuts setup and pros likely go another route, even might just call that stupid, but it is for the purpose of showing measurement stability.

Throughput Setup
@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 2000, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 100, time = 100, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
public class IntegerToStringNoLoopTP
    // the usual code here... see above


First, it is hard to get to consistent results. When this is finally achieved, one does not find a large difference. When the code is reviewed, it is clear why, because that code is not really different.

It is not clear why String.valueOf(int) is slightly faster than Integer.valueOf(int) despite of just calling the other method, hence it should rather be slightly slower. The new Java 9 String concatenation routines seem to be a little more efficient than Integer.toString(int). That is a little surprising.

What Did We Learn Today?

  1. Use whatever you like to convert an int to a String except for a hand-rolled StringBuilder.

  2. Measuring something down to the nanosecond is technically impossible, we just averaging a bunch of executions because measuring time takes time.

  3. Memory churn heavily influences measurement stability.

  4. You cannot expect stable measurements in the sense of exact repeatable results. You can often only follow trends.

  5. Different JDKs, different results.

  6. Different hardware, despite the same config, might yield different results.

  7. The length of the code does not tell us anything about speed.

  8. String concatenation with + is surprisingly fast.

  9. You have to live with noise and that can be easily 5%, but of course less is preferred.

  10. Measure several times, discard the biggest outliers and use the rest.

  11. Benchmarking is full of surprises.

Open Questions

These question are open at the moment, because I simply don’t know better.

  • Why is String.valueOf(int) faster than Integer.toString(int) despite just calling the other method?

  • How does the String concatenation magic work that is in place since JDK 9? I get the basic idea of bootstrapping, but maybe there is more documentation available?

  • Why is there no intrinsic used for Integer.toString(int)?

  • Why is the JDK 17 benchmark for a noop method call suddenly way faster?

Please contact me if you know more about that and I will happily add this information and correct my assumptions.

The Famous P.S.

I couldn’t resist and tested on my local T14s with turbo boost off. I also assigned only the first four real cores to the Java process (taskset -c) + TSC plus SerialGC. Don’t forget, that is throughput and not time, so higher is better. Seems to be very stable but the time distance between each method varies despite the order being the same.

T14s AMD Test
Benchmark                                 Mode  Cnt    Score   Error Units
# Run 1
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.noop             thrpt  100  111,387 ± 701   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringBuilder    thrpt  100   19,104 ± 242   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringConcat     thrpt  100   25,747 ± 318   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringValueOf    thrpt  100   26,200 ± 201   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.integerToString  thrpt  100   26,451 ± 134   ops/ms

# Run 2
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.noop             thrpt  100  111,419 ± 584   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringBuilder    thrpt  100   19,328 ± 101   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringConcat     thrpt  100   26,202 ± 189   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.integerToString  thrpt  100   26,390 ± 154   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringValueOf    thrpt  100   26,361 ± 247   ops/ms

# Run 3
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.noop             thrpt  100  111,324 ± 555   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringBuilder    thrpt  100   19,488 ± 109   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringConcat     thrpt  100   26,087 ± 147   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.integerToString  thrpt  100   26,113 ± 286   ops/ms
IntegerToStringNoLoopTP.stringValueOf    thrpt  100   26,418 ± 114   ops/ms